Connections Created!: June 2023 Recap

Check out some highlights from June!

We are extremely grateful to Emerson for continuing to support AST through a $5,000 grant in support of our Spanish programs.

We held our free Seminars Across the Spectrum presentation, “Sensory Friendly Healthcare” on Facebook Live with Dr. Mayra Corona presenting. View it now on Youtube! 

The Jack Stephens Scholarship Fund application closed, and we received 65 applications for services and supports for Autistic children in the greater Houston area. We have our hands full reviewing applications and will be notifying recipients later this summer!

We had lots of great group updates this month! Our Autism Dads Social Club held their 2nd Annual Family Picnic in Houston! Our Austin Autism Girls Group learned self-regulation strategies through breathing and meditation taught by yoga instructor, Amy Pancake, who kindly donated her time. Our Autistic Adult Group discussed travel, vacations, and making summer plans!

Our June highlight was feedback we received from a Connections Group attendee; “Thank you so much for everything you do! You are making such a big difference in my life!”