Resource Guide

We’re here to support you! We hope that the Resource Guide helps you find the resource you need in the location that is best for you.  These listings were compiled with help from both providers and families that have had contact with them. If you are an individual on the spectrum, parent, or caregiver, and do not find what you are looking for, please contact us at

Guía de Recursos compartidos en el grupo de apoyo de padres

To Find a Specific Resource: You can choose from several resource types from the CheckBox List. Just click on the “Select One or More Resources.” You can type a name, service area or language in the other fields to automatically sort the entries. Make sure you select “Clear Filters”  when you want to choose another type. To make things easier, you can search on any word in the “Search” field. 

For example: If you wanted to find an assistance dog provider, you could select the resource type: Dogs or type “Dog” in the “Search” field. Watch out not to put “dog” in the “Name” field as only a provider listing with “dog” somewhere in their name would show up. 

Once you find the resources you need – feel free to “Print” or “Copy” for later use or export to a spreadsheet or adobe pdf to save your search. 

Note to providers: We update information and add providers every few months as needed. Please submit information using this link and we’ll make sure to get your information added or updated in our bi-annual review. Submit additions, changes, or edits here.

AST’s Premier Partner’s are highlighted in the listings. AST acknowledges their support and dedication to the Autism community. If you click on their logo you can go directly to their website. 

Membership has benefits!  Become an AST Member at the Small Business or Corporate level and we will acknowledge your business with a membership badge.  

Nationally, the Autism SourceTM national contact center is available to take calls and emails seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm. Connect to our comprehensive service via our toll-free number, 800-3AUTISM (800-328-8476) or, and through the largest online referral database of Autism services, Autism Source.

To use the Autism Society’s national resource database, go to