We could not fulfill our mission of improving the lives of all affected by Autism without our wonderful, dedicated volunteers! Whether you’re interested in helping at an event, starting a social or support group, lending an administrative hand, creating a give back event, performing outreach to community members, or joining an event committee, we value your time and energy.
Volunteers are needed for the following events below. We’ll provide you with training and materials, and some volunteer jobs can be done remotely. There is no requirement to come to our office or attend meetings. We will email the volunteer list as we have a need for the events and activities below.
Texas Autism Walk
Assistance is needed to get snacks donated for participants, help in planning & organizing, and setting up on the day of the event. In-person in Austin-area, or virtual event- join from anywhere! This event happens annually in April.
Ongoing: Resource Fairs & Charity Fairs
We often receive requests to attend events so that people can learn about our organization. There are many requests for this and our small staff cannot fulfill them all. These events are usually 2-3 hours on weekends, evenings, or sometimes during normal business hours. They require a volunteer to set up a table with our tablecloth, brochures, and flyers, and distribute handouts to attendees.
Austin Marathon
We are an official charity in this event & have an aid station along the marathon route! We need many volunteers to hand out drinks and cheer on runners on marathon day. Run/walk/volunteer for #TeamAutism! This event happens annually in February, the Sunday before President’s Day.
Support and Recreation Groups or Recreation Event
Volunteers run coordinate our many support and recreation groups. If you’d be interested in starting a support or recreation group for families, autistic adults, or kids, please email info@texasautismsociety.org for information on training and volunteer requirements. If you’d like to host a one-time recreation event, please contact kate@texasautismsociety.org.
Sign Up To Volunteer!
If interested in volunteering for any of the above, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and we we will contact you as opportunities arise!
You may also subscribe to our newsletter to be one of the first to hear about volunteer updates and opportunities!