Facebook Pages and Groups

Connect with us by joining our regional facebook groups, following our pages, or join our online email group closest to where you live! Our groups are for parents, family members, Autistic adults, and caregivers of children and adults diagnosed with Autism. We also have in-person and online support groups here.

Facebook Pages

Autism Society of Texas

Autism Society of San Antonio

Autism Society of El Paso


Facebook Statewide Groups

Autistic Adults in Texas (Only for for Autistic adults living in Texas who are 18+)

Español: Grupo de Padres de la Sociedad de Autismo de Texas


Regional Facebook Groups


Dallas/Fort Worth

East Texas


San Antonio

Rio Grande Valley

Waco (Only for for Autistic adults living in Texas who are 18+)

West Texas

Southeast Houston Autism Community Group

Bryan and College Station

Bell County

Please note! On all of our online pages and groups, no flaming or spam will be tolerated, and the moderators reserve the right to control individual postings as they see fit. The views of members on these pages and groups are not necessarily the views of the Autism Society of Texas.

If you would like to learn about new groups that will be starting, encounter a problem, or have a question about any of the above pages and groups, please contact info@texasautismsociety.org. Thank you!