Connections Created: December 2023 Recap

We had a very active December connecting with our community!

We kicked off the month with our AST Family Holiday Party at Boys & Girls Club Austin. Thank you to our Holiday Party committee members – Ashleigh from ACES, Amanda from RiverKids, and Kate from KidsCare, thank you for all of your hard work! Thank you to Boys & Girls Club for donating your amazing space. Also, thank you so much to ASPIRE for leading our fun holiday games and thank you to our awesome Santa Tim! Finally, thank you to Jamba Juice for providing smoothies, Bennu for the coffee and cocoa, and Texas Cannabis Clinic for the yummy grilled cheeses!

We also had our Holiday Party for our Autistic Recreation Group and Thrive Parent Group with food, games, and holiday carols! Thank you to Love Supreme for donating enough pizza and salad to feed our large group of party goers!

Autism Society of Texas staff also had a chance to meet with students from UT’s MBA program who will be completing their capstone on AST. We are so excited to be working with this group of talented business professionals!

We also held our AST Virtual Sensory Friendly Training for Healthcare Professionals, which focused on educating and empowering healthcare professionals and providers with the knowledge, understanding, and resources they need to meet the diverse needs of our communities.

We also had our Year In Review where we highlighted our impact on our community in 2023, which you can check out here!