Honor An Autism Star!

Gala Star Example Blue-Hero

Honor an Autism Star in your life or your child’s life at our 25th Anniversary Celebration: Silver Lights, Starry Night. An Autism Star could be a child, friend, family member, colleague, educator, or an organization that you feel has helped connect individuals with autism to the support and resources they need. Recognize them for making a difference in the life of a person with autism by purchasing a sparkling, silver star to be prominently displayed on our Wall of Autism Stars at the 25th Anniversary Gala on November 14th. Stars are $10.00 and all funds received go towards our mission of improving the lives of all affected by Autism. You can honor an Autism Star here.

Pictured in our example is ASCT Board President, Kathy Palomo. Kathy is currently putting in many volunteer hours to make our 25th Anniversary event a success! We are thankful for everything she does for the autism community here in Central Texas!