September Provider Highlight: ACI Learning Centers


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ACI Learning Centers is a behavioral consulting company providing applied behavior analysis (ABA) with an emphasis on verbal behavior ​and natural environment teaching ​
for children with autism spectrum disorders, language delays, challenging behaviors, and other developmental disabilities.

We are experts in capturing a child’s motivation to enable him to have functional language, learn appropriate play skills, and socially engage with ​her/​his peers. We utilize both intensive teaching trials (ITT) and natural environment teaching (NET). We currently provide in-home services to clients in the greater Austin area and will be offering clinic-based services beginning this ​fall.

•We currently offer in-home Applied Behavior Analysis services overseen by our Board Certified Behavior Analyst
•Our in home services are designed to teach language and communication, play and leisure skills, social skills, functional living skills, and the reduction and replacement of challenging behavior
•Now enrolling new clients for immediate in-home services
•Accepting pre-enrollment for new clients for future clinic based services

Please visit our website to find out more: ACI Learning Centers