A note from Autism Society of Texas:
We encourage everyone to vote on November 3rd, or early vote if you can! Need more voting information such as locations and other important details? Check this website: https://www.votetexas.gov
Are you registered to vote? Calling all autistic adults, parent/caregivers of those with autism, autism support professionals and friends and family! We need you! Every vote counts. The autism community is broad, and electing those that will support those with disabilities has a huge impact on the lives of individuals with autism and those that support them! Please join the greater disability community and pledge to vote! Need help or have questions? Contact jacquie@texasautismsociety.org or email Rev Up.
Voting information from our friends at Rev Up:
More than any time in memory:
- Elected leaders and political candidates are recognizing more than 5.4 MILLION Texans with disabilities— from birth to advanced age—as a powerful, important constituency
- Issues important to people with disabilities must be part of the platform for any candidate running for public office.Join thousands of Texans with disabilities in this important and historic effort!
The November 3, 2020, General Election will be one of the most important elections.The disability community—people with disabilities, family members, attendants, providers, professionals, advocates and supporters—has a major stake in the outcome of this election.
The Disability Vote! can make a difference on issues such as:
- Protections and enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Adequate funding and coverage for Medicaid acute and long-term services and supports.
- No healthcare rationing.
- Eliminate institutional bias in Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance.
- Eliminate waiting lists for home and community services.
- Consolidation and closure of public institutions.
- Increase availability of accessible, affordable, integrated housing.
- Implementation and enforcement of the “most integrated setting” requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Affordable healthcare for all, including pre-existing conditions.
- Integrated employment at no less than minimum wage.
- Adequate funding for quality public and higher education.
- Recruitment and retention strategies for improved wages and benefits for community attendants.
- Quality Medicaid managed care with strict accountability measures.
I Pledge to VOTE! (Send the form below to REV UP Texas, 1100 I-35, Austin TX 78704)
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State________________ ZIP_______________________ Email: ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________