Take Action! Make the Medicaid ABA Benefit available to families!

It’s time to flex our advocacy muscles and let our Texas Legislators and leadership know that we expect the state agency in charge of “Improving the health, safety and well-being of Texans with good stewardship of public resources” to immediately implement the Medicaid IBI/ABA Services Benefit.

You might remember advocating last session in 2019 for the passage of the Medicaid Autism Benefit.  And you may have heard that the program would be available in Spring of 2020. Unfortunately all progress stopped in December of 2019 and the program appears to be on indefinite hold.

We need your help! 

Please send an e-mail or call your representatives in both the Texas House and Texas Senate and tell them that HHSC must immediately implement Rider 32, the Medicaid IBI/ABA Services Benefit, to support families who desperately need these intensive, life-changing therapies.

We’ve developed three information sheets to remind you of the history of the program and to answer any questions that legislative staff may have.

Implement Rider 32 – Medicaid ABA Benefit! Children’s Autism Program (CAP) One-Page Information Sheet What is Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy? IBI vs. ABA, and Rider 32

Who Represents Me? – Use this online database to find your representative – remember some of Texas’ districts are so gerrymandered that you will have to include your full address to find your representative.

Keep in mind when making calls that many people are working from home so you may need to leave a short but informative message with your contact information for a call-back or give them that AST’s advocacy team contact information: 512-479-4199 Ext.10, or advocacy@texasautismsociety.org.

We encourage you to tell your own stories about how important this issue is to you, but if you need one – there’s a script below.



Hello, my name is ______ .  May I speak to the staff member in charge of Medicaid or Health and Human Services issues.

  • Stress the importance of the Medicaid IBI/ABA Services Benefit
  • Use your own stories or talk about how this benefits the entire autism community
  • The ASK: Please consider sending a letter or directly contacting HHS leadership to encourage the immediately implementation of  Rider 32, (the Medicaid IBI/ABA Services Benefit) to support families who desperately need these intensive, life-changing therapies
  • Thank the staff member for their time and ask if you can send them more information on this crucial issue.


Let us know if you were successful or if AST Advocacy staff need to do any follow-ups at 512-479-4199 Ext:10 or  advocacy@texasautismsociety.org


If you have time – there’s a group of important legislators and leadership that also needs to hear from you.

Governor’s Office (512) 463-1762
Lt. Governor – Dan Patrick (512) 463-0001
Speaker of the House – Dennis Bonnen (512) 463-1000
Senator Jane Nelson (512) 463-0112
Senator Chuy Hinojosa (512) 463-0120
Seantor Lois Kolkhorst (512) 463-0118
Senator Charles Schwertner (512) 463-0105
Representative Four Price (512) 463-0470
Representative James Frank (512) 463-0534
Representative Richard Raymond (512) 463-0558
Representative Toni Rose (512) 463-0664
Representative Sarah Davis (512) 463-0389
Representative J. D. Sheffield (512) 463-0628
Representative Philip Cortez (512) 463-0269
Representative Cole Hefner (512) 463-0271
Representative John Turner (512) 463-0576
Representative Gina Hinojosa (512) 463-0668
Representative Travis Clardy (512) 463-0592
Representative Joe Deshotel (512) 463-0662
Representative Stephanie Klick (512) 463-0599
Representative Terry Meza (512) 463-0641
Representative Rick Miller (512) 463-0710
Representative Candy Noble (512) 463-0186
Representative Garnet Coleman (512) 463-0524
Representative Senfronia Thompson (512) 463-0720
Representative Eddie Lucio III (512) 463-0606
Representative Bobby Guerra (512) 463-0578
Seantor Dawn Buckingham (512) 463-0124
Seantor Charles Perry (512) 463-0128
Seantor Donna Campbell (512) 463-0125
Seantor Peter P. Flores (512) 463-0119
Seantor Nathan Johnson (512) 463-0116
Seantor Borris L. Miles (512) 463-0113
Seantor Beverly Powell (512) 463-0110
Seantor Kel Seliger (512) 463-0131

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