Brown Bag Learning Series | Self-Care During COVID-19 For Autistic Adults

The following links, resources, and activities are mentioned in the video, “Self-Care during COVID-19 for Autistic Adults” presented by Spectrum Services & Autism Society of Texas Board Member, Sal Silinonte. 

First, to help beat social isolation and get involved, our groups for autistic adults are on our website calendar here. For groups that meet regularly, check the AST website calendar for upcoming dates and times, as well as how to join. The following meetings are currently running for autistic adults and are a good way to get involved with others: AST Adult Social Skills & Support Group-monthly, AST Online Recreation Group-monthly, AST Waco Autistic/Aspie Adult Group-weekly while virtual, AST Adult D & D Online Group (or check Meetup if not posted on the AST calendar).  We will resume in-person meetings when it is safe to do so. Please check the AST web calendar to see if the event is virtual or in-person.

AST Ask An Autistic Adult:
Have a question? Need help or advice? Send an email and our Autistic Adult Advisory Panel will respond!

Autism Society of Texas’ COVID-19 Toolkit:

Autism Society of Texas Adult Meetup Group:

Autism Society of Texas Information & Referrals:
Free support, guidance, and connection to resources, therapists, etc.
Email us at or call (512) 479-4199, Ext. 6.