Advocacy Action Alert | HB 4 – ABA in Telemedicine & Telehealth

HB 4 – Include ABA in Telemedicine & Telehealth Services!

Posted: 4/8/21


Relating to the provision and delivery of health care services under Medicaid and other public benefits programs using telecommunications or information technology and to reimbursement for some of those services. Multiple therapies, health, and wellness services are listed, however, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy has not been included. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy are included, and ABA therapy should also be included in the list of reimbursable therapies. To the extent permitted by federal law and to the extent it is cost-effective and clinically effective, as determined by the commission, the commission shall ensure that Medicaid recipients, child health plan program enrollees, and other individuals receiving benefits under a public benefits program administered by the commission or a health and human services agency, regardless of whether receiving benefits through a managed care delivery model or another delivery model, have the option to receive services as telemedicine medical services, telehealth services, or otherwise using telecommunications or information technology.


HB 4-Telemedicine, Telehealth, & Technology-related Health Care Services by Rep. Four Price, Rep. Oliverson, Rep. Coleman, Rep. Ashby, Rep. Guillen

Full bill text for HB-4 can be found here:

Companion: SB 412 by Senator Dawn Buckingham -Needs no action needed at this time.

Specific Action Needed:

Ask: “Telemedicine has been critical for many families during the pandemic. HB 4 allows reimbursement for speech, occupational and physical therapy. It is very important not to leave ABA therapies out. Please add ABA to the list of reimbursable therapies to  ensure children with disabilities get access to the services they need. There is good language in HB 2612 by Rep. Raney & SB 40 by Senator Zaffrini that could be of use to the goals of HB 4”

Who to Call/Email:

Contact Rep. Four Price: Phone- (512) 463-0470  Email- Contact your own Texas State Representative – let them know Telemedicine is important to you and that ABA should be included.  Find your State Representative here:

(Please note! You will not be calling federal elected officials in the US House of Representatives).

Let us know if you were successful or if AST Advocacy staff need to do any follow-ups at 512-479-4199 Ext. 10 or