Oppose HB 6 – Do Not Limit Voting Rights for People with Disabilities!
Posted: 4/8/21
Relates to changes to how people are able to vote. Limits extended early voting hours, prohibits drive-thru voting and requires Texans to provide proof of disability to qualify for mail-in voting. Also allows partisan poll watchers to record voters who receive help filling out their ballots. We do not support this! House Bill 6 makes it harder for people with disabilities to vote, and disregards voter rights and equity.
HB 6 by Representative Briscoe Cain
Full bill text can be found here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Text.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB6
Specific Action Needed:
Ask: “Vote to oppose HB 6! Do not make it harder for people with disabilities to vote!” People with disabilities need accommodations and no one should have their voting rights restricted.”
Who to Call/Email:
Please contact the members of the House Committee on Elections
Let us know if you were successful or if AST Advocacy staff need to do any follow-ups at 512-479-4199 Ext. 10 or advocacy@texasautismsociety.org.