The Autism Society of Texas (AST) works to improve the quality of life for all Texans with autism by offering innovative, person-centered support to people impacted by autism and their families. We offer a myriad of services and programs related to education, recreation, advocacy and support. We work in partnership with our community, seeking input from individuals with autism to advise our decision-making and offering comprehensive education and training so that communities may become more inclusive.
Education: AST is committed to educating people about autism and various interventions. In addition to families who live with autism every day, we also work to help members of the community understand the disorder. We inform our community about trainings, workshops, and presentations around the region. As resources allow, we sponsor educational programs and offer scholarships for conferences.
Recreation: AST offers several recreational opportunities for families to meet in an informal setting. Families enjoy playdates for children on the spectrum of all ages. Some of our special events during the year include Round Rock Express Baseball outings and trips to the waterpark. .
Advocacy: The Texas Legislature only meets in odd-number years, but AST stays busy educating legislators and other advocacy groups about the issues that impact people with autism and their families. We stay engaged in national policy issues by sending a staff member to Washington D.C. to meet with elected officials and their staff to discuss issues that face the Texas autism community.
Support: AST supports individuals online through Yahoo, Facebook, and Meetup, and in-person through monthly support meetings and social groups. These opportunities give individuals with autism, parents, and professionals the chance to exchange information and share stories. We also provide individualized Information and Referral services to people across Texas to help close the gap in access to services.