Spring Volunteer Opportunities!

We have some volunteer needs this Spring! Most are in the Austin area, but if you’re outside Austin some of the tasks can be done via phone & computer, so it’s not necessary to be in Austin. Please email us for details!
1) This Sunday! Austin Marathon Aid Station: Sunday Feb. 17, 2019
We have a charity team & we’re required to run an aid station. Recommended for ages 12 & up (with an adult). We fill drink cups, cheer & hand drinks to runners. It’s a lot of fun! We’ll be at Varsity Pizza near 45th St. & Duval. Pick a shift on Sign Up Genius AND register on Eventdog to get your volunteer t-shirt! Use Sign Up Genius for the shift time! (Ignore the times on Eventdog). Thank you!
Sign up for shift time here:
Sign up here for your free volunteer tee & sign waiver:
2) Texas Autism Bike Ride & Fun Run: April 7, 2019
We need volunteers to help with planning before the event and to help with set up at the event. Info about event here: http://autismbikeride.org/
To help with planning before the event please email Ivette at Ivette@texasautismsociety.org. This would be helping to get food donated, helping organize event tees, pack goodie bags, etc.
To help at the Bike Ride & Fun Run at event  or set up that weekend, please sign up at the link here. This is to work a shift on the day of the bike ride, or to set up the day before: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4caea723aafe3-volunteers
Contact Ivette with any questions about the Bike Ride & Fun Run at ivette@texasautismsociety.org. Thanks!
3) Texas Autism Advocacy Day: April 26, 2019
We’re excited about our second Texas Autism Advocacy Day. We need help calling legislative offices to make appointments for attendees as well as helping organize lunch & folders with handouts for attendees. No experience necessary and we will give you step-by-step instructions on what needs to be done. Please email Jacquie at Jacquie@texasautismsociety.org if you can help in this area. Registration & details about Advocacy Day here if you’d like to attend: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/texas-autism-advocacy-day-tickets-55779249236
Thank you!