Every day the Autism Society of Texas (AST) works to improve the quality of life for all Texans with autism by offering innovative, person-centered support to people impacted by autism and their families. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unique challenges to our organization and to our community. In the face of this pandemic, one of our major goals at AST is to combat social isolation within the autism community, but that’s tough when people have to practice social distancing. Globally and locally, many people are struggling with the mental and physical effects of social isolation and are having to try to combat those effects alone: the Texas autism community is no exception.
For April as part of Autism Awareness Month, we are launching “Stronger Together: Care & Share”. Even though we are apart, we are in this together. We are asking you to record a short video of yourself sharing a skill, hobby, activity, interesting topic that brings you joy, or how you’ve personally been dealing with social isolation and stress so that you can help others in the community while supporting AST!
The Gallery has several examples of videos and photos that show Texans Sharing & Caring about each other during these difficult times.