This March, we were thrilled to launch our new in-person Autism Girls Group in partnership with ACES, happening in Houston, Dallas, Austin,and San Antonio!
We also hosted a Spanish education event,”Toma de Decisiones Basadas en la Evidencia Científica para la Intervención en el Autismo”, which focused on making decisions based on evidence-based interventions!
At the Capitol we worked behind the scenes to ensure Autism lifespan issues are being addressed in the next state Budget, and registered our positions on many bills impacting children and adults with Autism!
We went to Variety Texas’ Kites for Kids event and had a great time meeting the families and creating connections!
At the end of March, Adriana Crostley, formerly a contractor for AST working on many wonderful projects including bilingual education and outreach, moved into the role of Director of Statewide Education & Outreach!
March was also Social Work Month, and we are fortunate to have three interns working on their Masters in Social Work this semester; Aki Mori,Omodele o Ojomo and Sav Kennedy. They are learning to help families and Autistic adults who contact us through our Navigating Autism program. The March Connections quote is from someone who recently received support from one of them! Way to go, MSW Interns!