We had three education events in September! Our awesome AUTonomy Panel of self-advocates discussed the topic “Healthy Relationships”, which included setting boundaries, how to keep ourselves safe when starting a new relationship, and how to effectively communicate our needs with our friends, family, and romantic partners. We also kicked off our first education series in Spanish with the presentation “¿Qué es el Autismo y Cómo Se Diagnostica?”, presented by Dr. Berenice De La Cruz. We also had a Facebook Live about Interacting with First Responders!
We closed our Hunter Hinze Fund scholarship program with 34 autistic adults applying for funding for programs and services that will help them gain independence and autonomy. We will be announcing the selected recipients at the end of November!
In addition, we had more than 15 social and support groups where we helped Autistc adults and Parents and Caregivers connect with one another.
Our highlight was from an attendee of one of our Facebook Live Education Events; “This topic is super important to me. Thank you to AST for bringing this to all of us via Facebook.”