Posted: 5/10/21
In listing many different types of learning disabilities that might trigger a need for special education and related services, Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) expressly includes dyslexia. When dyslexia is suspected, schools must offer a comprehensive evaluation under IDEA. A comprehensive evaluation can identify dyslexia plus the co-occurring challenges that impact 60-80% of students with dyslexia. An evaluation under IDEA can provide the opportunity for the IEP team to determine whether IDEA services or 504 accommodations are most appropriate. This is the process for all other disabilities named in IDEA and is an essential step toward bringing Texas policy in line with federal special education law.
However, Texas public school students who are suspected of struggling with dyslexia are regularly denied a full and individual evaluation (FIE) and, as a result, are regularly denied special education and related services.
HB 3880 would help bring Texas into compliance with federal law by guaranteeing students with dyslexia the right to a full evaluation of their needs, rather than just a dyslexia-only evaluation.
HB 3880 – Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr.
Read the full bill text here:
Specific Action Needed:
Contact your own Texas House Representative (find below) and Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan. Tell them “Support HB 3880! Students with dyslexia should have the right to a full evaluation, and, if appropriate, an individualized education plan designed to meet their unique needs.”
Who to Call/Email:
Find your Texas House Representative here:
Contact Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan here: (512) 463-0706
Please note! You will not be calling your federal representative. (Do not call your U.S. Representative / Congressperson).
Let us know if you were successful or if AST Advocacy staff need to do any follow-ups at 512-479-4199 Ext. 10 or