HB 159 – Improved Teacher Training!
UPDATED: 5/3/21 Updated: 5/2/21 Posted: 4/8/21
Students in special education vary greatly in their disabilities and learning and support needs, including students with autism. HB-59 would improve training and staff development for primary and secondary educators to enable them to more effectively serve all students. The bill would specify what each educator is expected to know and be able to do, particularly with regard to students with disabilities. The training and development would include things such as evidence based inclusion practices, accommodations, flexibility in the ways material is presented, reduce barriers to instruction, and maintain high achievement expectations.
HB 159 by Rep.Mary Gonzalez (Companion: SB 180 by Senator Eddie Lucio)
Full bill text can be found here: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/Text.aspx?LegSess=87R&Bill=HB159
Specific Action Needed:
5/3/21-COMPLETED! NO FURTHER ACTION NEEDED! Updated 5/2/21: HB 159 will be heard on House Floor on Monday 5/3/21. Call your own Representative and Speaker of the House and ask them, “Please support HB 159 to benefit students served by special education through improved teacher training!”.
Completed. 4/8/21: HB 159 has passed the House Committee on Public Education and been referred to the Calendar Committee. Ask: “Please schedule a floor vote for HB 159 to benefit students served by special education through improved teacher training!”
Who to Call/Email:
COMPLETED! NO FURTHER ACTION NEEDED! Updated 5/2/21: Contact your own Texas Representative-find them here: https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home Also contact Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan: (512) 463-0706 dade.phelan@house.texas.gov
Now take action on the Companion Bill, SB 180: https://www.texasautismsociety.org/sb180-teachertraining/
Completed. 4/8/21: Contact the House Calendars Committee: https://house.texas.gov/committees/committee/?committee=C050 Contact Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan: (512) 463-0706 dade.phelan@house.texas.gov
Let us know if you were successful or if AST Advocacy staff need to do any follow-ups at 512-479-4199 Ext. 10 or advocacy@texasautismsociety.org.